
Yes at best could make an interesting documentary but fail to see the drama in all this

But he has fucks to give for a white savior movie

And we are done. Is there really anything more to what about this story than what is already on this trailer.

Skarsgard will always be iceman to me

Out of touch kids
That's what Catholic Church says now


Apparently the English need less vowels now and dropped E U

I heard kids these days shave the lawn off

The A.V. Club

He looks like a Canadian wooderson.

Geekstravanza not geektravanza

Not my tempo

and their next PM is a walking meme

yes and its also kind of her identity so she can do whatever she wants with it. I was reading this and was wondering who she is then i remembered the profile pic and and then remebered oh yes she is funny

Magic Mik3

Yes he is pretty much the typical south asian guy who is more concerned about his career and finances probably having come up the hard way.

Upvoted for maternal male character! That's the perfect description

I actually almost ran someone over who jumped over a 6 foot divider right in front of me. The idiot only got bumped as I was driving slowly and braked.

or you could just get her a prostitute

.,"OK OK we get it. Enough about it. Let's just move on now"