
yes the hate seem to just lurking behind the words and it seems strangely personal

Never heard of Insan and I am in India :)
Sounds nutso!

Hey Indians can also play Arab terrorists too

A big pop cultural weekend for me as family is not in and I have nothing else to do.

He is brilliant! And if they wanted a big name with experience of playing a NASA scientist look no further than Shahrukh khan. He was quite good as a NASA scientist in Swades

by the way I also recently read the term Indian-Asian to refer to people from north-east India who look "Asian"

Yes to be fair in this case atleast they put the Baptist - Hindu explanation for Vincent-Venkat switch. Mindy Park being white was really laughable though

What is an Asian - Indian like a European-French or African - Kenyan?

though it also says that hollywood considers only couple of Indians as capable to play meaty roles (Dev Patel and Irfan Khan).

Jaws 21: left shark and Katy Perry's side boob

"Where !!!!!!" - James wood

I got community notification for this

Animanazis win!!

All other GOP candidates are incompetent. But Donald trump is "toasted"

that is disappointing because both these characters are pretty crucial in the plot in the book

he doesn't even own pants

you are a good dad and doing your best. here is wishing many wonderful years with your son. I have 2 sons and I cannot imagine what you are going through.
I lost my dad in a sudden heart attack 20 years ago and recently my wife lost my dad when he was at our house for my second son's birth - again in a sudden tragic

it would have been yuuuuuge

- Donald Trump

Gritty Reboot 2: Sand in my Sandals