
You need to make your weakness your strength, Rohan.

My immediate and still held belief was that Cam was playing the rebound. I was dismayed, although not surprised, by Seeeeeems firm belief that Cam hesitated to jump into the pile out of concern for his own welfare (i.e., a pussy). Nance was too busy ferociously abusing himself to the certainty of a Broncos win to

Alright, let’s recap the last few days between the two of us:

  • If you think Cam Newton’s postgame presser showed immaturity, what did you think of the several hours leading up to it, in which Newton dressed up like a cyborg and threw footballs at people to make the numbers go up on a giant glowing scoreboard? His actual job is to live out an eight-year-old’s dream birthday party

Concerning the balancing of the equities, arguably the most important factor a Court looks at when determining a prelim. injunction, who do you believe has the better of that argument: NYS or DFS? The fact of the matter is that if the injunction is granted, DFS would likely suffer vast economic harm, which might