“Fuck your couch!”
“Fuck your couch!”
“It doesn’t matter if Northam is vetoing or signing legislation, he is still a racist that’s doing everything he can to stay in power. It’s embarrassing to all Virginians,” John March, spokesman for the Virginia GOP, told the Post.
Is there a stamp card, like you get at the pizza place?
Oh snap! Barr is gonna get another contempt charge. One more after that and he gets his next expedited.
Slowing down the investigation and prosecution of the criminal conspiracy that originates in the White House makes no sense. It demoralizes the honest citizens that believe that there should be a consequence for crime and it allows Trump more time to continue to commit crimes.
The futility is palpable.
Shut up, tomato.
Gym Jordan.
he simply came off like a delusional weirdo
I am surprised that neither Jordan not Gaetz didn’t ask Dean: “Isn’t it true that Nixon endorsed Trump and that the only reason the libtard Dems investigated him was because they were sore losers?!?”
Actually they’re showing their asses because A. their supporters love it when they act like smug, condescending assholes, and B. right-wing propaganda will pick up these clips of them “owning the libz” and they contribute to the overall false narrative of that “ownage.”
When it comes to making a spectacle of themselves, few due it better than Jim Jordan. Combine blind rage with total ignorance, stir with a dash of ignoring sexual assaults. Sadly, my representative, Troy Balderson thinks Jordan is the bestest role model in the world.
According to some Texas-approved textbooks, the whole concept of slavery in the western world was ‘fake news’ and we should call them ‘workers’ instead.
Ew. That short cold finger of Death
Sometimes Russian prostitutes urinate on it
Is Eric really a living thing though?
The Tree of not-Liberty needs to be not-watered from time to time.
Everything Trump touches dies; Casinos, Airlines, steaks, football teams, etc. Why would a tree escape a similar fate.