I’ve seen the movie. If you’ve seen the trailer, other than some very graphic violence, the only thing missing is the movie’s only question: Does he die at the end? There’s really not much to this story, which is too bad as I liked Super a lot.
I’ve seen the movie. If you’ve seen the trailer, other than some very graphic violence, the only thing missing is the movie’s only question: Does he die at the end? There’s really not much to this story, which is too bad as I liked Super a lot.
This take isn’t even good contrarianism. It’s just being a predictable, miserable shit.
He had to say something to calm down his audience of one.
What about the ones who worked hard, got a full-time job while in college and graduated with debt? What about the ones who only partied every other night? What about the ones who never partied but were still financially “irresponsible?”
Before we all line up to blow this guy, let’s not forget he’s a member of the Freedom Caucus, the bomb-throwing Tea Party wing of the GOP, which means he wants to abolish medicare and public roads and change the name of Washington DC to “I Stopped Thinking After Reading Atlas Shrugged When I Was Nineteen.”
I will not eat chili con Don.
I’m hoping (and saying the occasional small prayer to Dorothy Harriot) that these motherfuckers have finally overplayed their crooked hand and are flushed out of office forever.
Frankly, I’m shocked.
“Today, it’s often defined as one-type of school, funded by taxpayers, controlled by government. But if every student is part of the public, then every way and every place a student learns is ultimately of benefit to the public. That should be the new definition of public education.”
There is simply no way a remake can be as transgressive as the original film. It was a different time. The Hateful Eight, for comparison, barely registered on the public consciousness.
This would be a lot safer if Trump was actually the only person watching their morning puppet show.
I’d like to think that when Trump is out, the floodgates will open and the funding and positions will come roaring back into now hollowed-out agencies. And that dedicated and talented people will happily pick their tools back up and go back to the work of protecting the environment. But that’s all about as likely as…
Whereas if Ken Jeong was in you, you might not know.
It’s been a long time since I watched the movie. I think I was an undergrad. All us gothpunk kids thought and talked about it a lot. Our thoughts and projections don’t bear repeating.
I think about the question of “getting old” now and again. Sure, I have less patience for wankery than I used to, but I’m slowly starting to show signs of not having knives for hands.
I miss the days of David Lynch making stuff that was watchable. I gave up on his new stuff after sitting through Inland Empire.
You might be surprised to know that I sometimes think, “Well, if I can get Holly, a couple of time zones away, to chuckle, the day went pretty alright.”
But if Ah don’t pay mah dues, Obama’ll grab mah guns!