Heroine Sheik

I’ve yet to figure out what this moron gets out of being Secretary of Education. She’s already rich and has no background or interest in education. Is it really just evil for its own sake?

Once your stank-breathed daughter’s friends read this, I imagine she’ll be brushing her teeth five or six times a day.

But you’re not sane, Vlad. Normal people don’t want to get kicked in their junk in the town square. Repeatedly.

Should any Trump cultist wish for me to apologize to Donald Trump, I am certainly willing. But, before I do, I’m going to need them to lay down on the ground so that I can shit into their mouth. I may also want use of their car. At any rate, I am a man of my word— I will apologize!— and I am ready to let the healing

Someday this cock will get to explain this to his grandchildren.  And then they will make him into a nice stew and a hat.

I suppose it beats attempting to bask in what one supposes is someone else’s disappointment, little vampire.


Which of us had suggested we have one last night cap afterwards? Why would either of us have thought another drink was a good idea in the first place?

Oh, sure, we’ve all thought about it: “You know what would really put this quarterly report over the fucking top? A little bit of Hitler!”

As Republicans keep trying to accuse people across the aisle of being anti-Semitic, maybe they could stop quoting Mein Kampf. Because most people that aren’t anti-Semitic don’t include that shit in their powerpoint presentations.

I doubt I have the stomach for another installment of “Lindsey Graham Couldn’t Be Any More Pathetic,” but, if it’s any consolation, I can tell you that a couple of minutes after I couldn’t edit the post, I realized that I could have put a finer point on the whole thing by tweaking the final line. It should have been:

Now playing

Just a couple of old gangstas hanging out talking about real estate.

I like to think that with the right candidate in the right place, not getting a top-tier consulting firm won’t make a difference. There are probably smaller firms or people who haven’t even started firms that can find themselves working for/with a winner. A rising tide lifts all boats, especially the little ones.

Where’s that guy who broke half of Rand’s ribs when we need him?

“Yeah, he really was my friend,” Graham said.

I think it’s a little better. Your mom buying you too many ponies v. the President of the United States declaring lots of people “enemies.”

Obama wasted his entire first term trying to find some common ground with these fuckos. Mother lets Pence out of his coffin so that he can help the bastards in the Senate confirm absolute shitheels. 

I don’t think either nation “owns” the other. It’s more that some people in both countries are locked in a perpetual sixty-nine of money and different stripes of righteousness.

You missed my edit.  Kinja!!!

ETA: It actually started with Clinton.  I can’t edit my post because Kinja is Newt Gingrich.