Heroine Sheik

Yes. Alabama folk are having a hard time deciding if they want to support their homegrown real-live-boy or the person they think Trump is. Luckily for Trump, stupidity will win the day.  Not that Sessions deserves better than he’ll get.

I thought we’d already done that.  I get confused, this being the four millionth year of the Trump presidency.

Fair enough. But most 3rd generation people speak with a better neutral, television accent than I do.

This is one of those things where you’ll never know if you did the right thing unless something terrible happens. I think you made the right call.

Are you writing for something else these days? Because you’ve been phoning it in here for at least a year now.

Glad to hear you’re getting that muppet off your back.

I believe it was Lincoln who said, “If you can’t beat them, change the rules. If they don’t like it, there’s always pepper spray.”

Don’t all mee-maws wear clunky jewelry and muumuus?

Then / Than

Thanks for sharing this.


I love Bernie, but, yup. He’s too old for the job.

The nation would have happily voted for Biden last time, but he didn’t want the job. Now that he’s going to be seven hundred next year, I think he’s missed his chance.

At the very least, President T owes us a comment about how his funeral will be even bigger and more beautiful.

This is why stable geniuses stick to McDonalds. No chance of someone giving you “bad” fugu because they’re still pissed about your role in WWII. Of course, stable geniuses never get close to combat anyway, so there’s that.

Whatever happened to The Right to Freedom of Expression?

She’s definitely working her way up to Power Caller.

And now, a word for those kids in Chicago that the president always holds up as examples of lawless, criminal behavior...