
So much time for food prep...

You really should make an effort in both. It’s not like you ate decent food so you can’t do a push up.

This is one of those ‘I don’t like feeling bad about eating garbage’ articles

Bring on the robot umps

He did good in Orlando one year a long time ago with like john amaechi and Darrell armstrong

The ònly thing I can think of is the umpire union. My solution is let them sit in a booth in case the machine breaks. Or train them to operate and service the machines. They make the sport unwatchable at times.

Welcome to the tom Brady eats better than me and I’m jealous article

He deserved it, and so do you.

‘I eat stuff because it tastes good who cares what the cost is to the planet/life’

Die horribly you mousekilling garbage ass bitch