Heroic Slug

To be honest, I may have done the same. If I saw someone I didn’t know walking around my neighborhood and appearing to take notes about houses, that’s a no brainier. Granted I would first go it and speak to the individual and see what they were doing and what business they had in my neighborhood. The woman who phoned

Well that’s good, I’m glad they’re not selling it anymore. Lefties, imagine it this way. If during the illustrious reign of President Jesus, I mean Obama, what if Walmart was selling a shirt that said impeach Obama? How would that make you feel?

Oh I’m familiar with the accusations that Trump and his father had some kind of “don’t rent to minorities” policy. I need more than accusations though.

That sure is a lot of hate you have there, friend.

When was the last time you saw a sign saying “whites only” or “no dogs or colored allowed” outside a protest stunt or alternate history vid? Looks like racism today is far less prevalent, and far less intense than it used to be. 

It would be a good idea to require a receipt from the restaurant /establishment before posting a review publicly. But I’ve hear that Yelp can at times be unscrupulous to the point of extortion with regard to letting businesses remove fake reviews that damage their image.

Oh hey, a tolerant liberal!

I’m neither a racist nor a Trump. If I was, I’d be whining about persons of another skin color using claims not backed by science, or enjoying my yacht, respectively.

That’s logically fallacious, but I’m intrigued. Could you elaborate?

Sure, that’s easy. First, the thing he’s said have been less about Mexicans than about illegal immigrants, most of whom I believe are from Central America if that matters.

“If you support person X then you hold belief Y,” is fundamentally untrue in a way that a freshman logic student should understand.

Agreed, I am ignorant of how most things, including MAGA hats, are perceived in Canada. I also would not wear one there simply because wearing political attire meant for country A in country B makes little to no sense.

I would put forth that a large part of the Trump movement (and admittedly one part that I found refreshing and compelling) is the whole “eff your feelings, forget political correctness” sentiment that comes along with it.

I’m going to have to take your word for that, sir. :P

It’s not so much that I enjoy it (which I did not say in my above comment) but upon reflecting, there is a bit of that. I said that it’s my intent to do so.

Ah, drat. My true identity as an ignorant coconut has been revealed. Curses.

I’m willing to risk being offensive as a consequence of indicating my political stance, yes. I would argue that anyone who is pissed off by a red hat is akin to the type of person who would get pissed of at seeing me buy meat or drive a gas-inefficient vehicle. In other words: a sheltered or naive adult who never

Nope, these two groups are pretty well decoupled. Just because there is some overlap in this Venn-diagram doesn’t mean there’s a causal relationship or even a higher preponderance of X to also be Y or vice versa.

I do considerable research into those rare candidates I get behind, and I’ve seen no evidence that Donald Trump is racist. A perception of racism, cultivated by the media, does not actual racism make.

Shhh stop telling them that, don’t you want four more years of best president?