Wonder how long it’ll take for this Nintendo related product to run short on supplies and suddenly be a scalped and sold for an absurd markup...
Wonder how long it’ll take for this Nintendo related product to run short on supplies and suddenly be a scalped and sold for an absurd markup...
Yeah its easy enough to dodge one insta-death attack, dodging one after another made it moderate difficulty, but THREE giant rings of instant death to immediate dodge was overkill.
I think I would have been fine waiting till the E3 “reveal” and trailer. We all knew it was coming anyway. If this is the only info we get until E3 then that’s weirdly pointless. I’m guessing we’ll get a trailer soon and more gameplay aspects and info at E3 then.
Walking into the first hole you see andsome random old guy telling you how dangerous it is outside and giving you a wooden sword is a better starting narrative?
Bungie can hopefully fix that by adding unlimited character face changes. Not like their appearance has any effect at all on gameplay anyways. And no set dances for races and genders!
I though I shrine where you have to get a “hole in one” using stasis was more of a bitch, because you have to be precise using stasis and hitting the ball with the exact amount of force and pray the angle you hit the ball at is correct, and unless you brought your own, you only get two hammers in the shrine to try it…
Hunk escaping Raccoon City was in 1998 I think, and the RE3 epilogue showed him looking like he was about 30 years old or so, he’d be about 40-50 by RE7, I know this is a universe of viruses and superhumans, but I doubt that’s an old yet younger looking Hunk.
Heck, even in Borderlands it’s pretty dumb. Simple enemies can hand you your ass since they are basically the same level as you and despite having loads of abilities at max level, it still takes 1 or 2 shots to kill your shield and leave you at minimal health. Enemy’s scaling with the highest player level made levels…
You’re right it DID remind me of Sin Nombre! My only complaints during the beta were the lack of shoulder switching in 3rd person (unless we just never figured it out), choppers need better control, and some enemies being a little too accurate from long distances with crappy machine guns. Otherwise it was a fun…
There is always this comment every time on a article about a fan project. If these fans didn’t want anyone to know about their project, they wouldn’t let anyone know and it wouldn’t be available to write about in any news source. Nobody knowing is pretty pointless as it’s then just people modding and creating with no…
Pssh please. Nintendo has been around way longer than you and will be around way longer after. Just because their console decisions, however questionable, have been pushing for innovation rather than an overly expensive Playstation/Xbox pretty graphics clone doesn’t mean they are going anywhere. They have more money…
I stopped playing because it was becoming unplayable on my phone, after the last few updates the games GPS would freeze more and more no matter how much I updated everything, free’d up space, stopped other apps, or whatever. My avatar would be able to walk around from anywhere between 10 seconds to a few minutes and…
I believe Resident Evil 4's infamous “Up close and personal chainsaw decapitation with your head falling with an anguished in pain expression while your headless body just knees down and slumps over and profusely bleeds everywhere” death was reduced to “you just fall and die with a bloody face” death in Japan.
This reminds me of PAX South, there was a mini Nintendo Switch Ultra Street Fighter II tourney and one dude won 10-0 by spamming Chun-li’s lightning kicks, which were so OP they would take off 2/3 to almost 1/2 opponents health if connected, and still a good chunk off even if blocked. Even beat my bro who definitely…
This reminds me of PAX South, there was a mini Nintendo Switch Ultra Street Fighter II tourney and one dude won 10-0 by spamming Chun-li’s lightning kicks, which were so OP they would take off 2/3 to almost 1/2 opponents health if connected, and still a good chunk off even if blocked. Even beat my bro who definitely…
Here’s hoping the vanilla D2 is meaty with content (and at the very least in-game grimoire) and the DLC’s aren’t stretched to year 3 of its launch. 3 years for Rise of Iron version was too long and it was fun yet hard to keep interest since we’ve played the game so long. In a way I’m fine with starting as a new…
The game was okay. Could’ve had more variety and content though. Occasionally the controls felt unresponsive and your fist would not actually hit enemies despite it lookin that way. And the lack of more consistent show sfx was a bummer. We couldn’t properly get a good moment to do a 4 player Power Weapon Blaster…
So what I’m hearing is that I can take whatever I want from anyone and then just simply throw it away or whatever and they can do nothing about it nor retaliate against me because I didn’t try to sell it?
The COULD license, but they SIMPLY DON’T WANT NOR HAVE TO. It’s not childish, its intellectual property and they have their own vision and products for it. Period. Like it was said before, if you want to make a like minded game, make your own ideas. Don’t take someone else’s stuff without asking, then change and…
“Chances are Prism would have released with minimal repercussions”