
Guess this gun was never a major issue for me. My annoyance is the crowds of Support classes and their LMG’s do run-n-gun playstyle and too easily and accurately killing me quickly from medium-long to long ranges, with several other enemy supports following him and getting similar easy kills.

Not a fan of 3D , but I can imagine a Zelda 3D show of Link in a mini dungeon. Maybe at the end it’ll have some transition or story bit where you will have the Triforce floating right in front of you, and let’s face it....you’d reach out to “grab” it.

Anyone remember you can play as Akuma in Resident Evil 2? xD

Patch to allow Sabin to suplex ANYTHING . That’s right. He’ll now pick up Kefka’s ridiculously huge sprite, lift it offscreen, and slam it upside down to the ground.

Makes you wonder if Super Smash Bros Melee is on Switch VC then will a Gamecube controller adapter be available, possibly even compatible with the Wii U GC adapter.

When I first played 3 I intentionally played story while dicking around too much , knowing I absolutely would take too long, get a bad ending, and restart. Still managed to beat it fully. 7 days was indeed long but allowed for you to breathe and enjoy exploring and killing.

They didn’t “allow” fan games to be completed. Not like they gave the creators a thumbs up to do as they please. The act of making those fan games was generally harmless until they distributed it publicly with Nintendo IP, despite being free. And the people calling for Nintendo’s “destruction” must be a extremely

I was kinda hoping this would mean they would figure out the complete details of how the game functions, like specific Lisa encounters, flashlight colors, even the final hallway, was it random or were some “certain” methods/theories (like the Jarith one) were actually viable.

I somewhat feel this way about Resident Evils direction nowadays. At least they are finally remaking 2, but 4 (which was fun) turned the series a down an action turn, and at this moment who knows if RE7 will actually remind us of the original survival horror games like they claim.

My big issue is that my avatar freezes on the map very frequently , only resolved by restarting the app. If only there were a “Relocate me” feature on there then 85% of my issues with Poké Go would be solved . But since I’m sure this is a phone issue and not a common one I’m sure Niantic will continue never caring and

Or, you know, they could have not written the article and you’d still see the same amount of Trubbish....er...garbage anyway.

Now playing

Well with that article title I can leave my somewhat similar story here too.

Wonder how much confusion or tactics one could instill with proper use of the blinding flare in the fog

Turn it into a drinking game somehow while watching YouTubers play it cuz there’s a good chance it’ll be 85% cinema and 10% game play (5% intricate loading times of highly detailed possibly nude Norman Reedus smoking a cigarette while the game gives safety tips and pointers)

Still love it in any Battlefield when you are killed, teabagged, immediately avenged and revived, and commence teabagging the douche who started the mini unsportsmanlike session . Also fun to revive as a Warlock in Destiny on a bagger and get teabag revenge.

Oh God, yes! While yes it works both ways and medics will sometimes dance over and practically trip over your corpse and then run off, I hate trying to revive my green and blue bro’s and they choose insta-respawn screen instead. I can understand medics who lack healing items, but any medic without the revive needle

Retailers reading Nintendos response:

If that were the case, scalpers would just make MyNintendo accounts and still get the their hands on products first.

In my experience the Tracker is bland and not always effective, GPS is quite dumb at times(and freezes often), improved but still terrible communication from Niantic, and now no traveling at high speeds (for obvious reasons) makes the game much less playable and less payable for everyone in general. Poké Go

How would not disclosing that info prevent what you say when it becomes public knowledge anyway?