Maybe? I know I used to...back then...when I was young. But I’m an adult now so Pokemon comes first.
Maybe? I know I used to...back then...when I was young. But I’m an adult now so Pokemon comes first.
If you email a website with something you did, it wasn’t to be considerate, it was for attention. That’s how this one looks anyway.
It just seemed to fit.
So because she’s a woman, she should just side with other women because “woman”?
As I mentioned in my post, I am not ready to give benefit of the doubt to anyone because I WAS NOT THERE. You cannot make assumptions based on accusations, ESPECIALLY just one. You are endorsing the idea that just because a woman SAYS that she was raped, it means that she was. That thinking in itself is naive and…
Yes, it is sad that you are sexist.
That’s not fair. Let’s assume (this is all theoretical of course) you had pioneered someone’s career: Signed them, produced all of their hits, etc, etc, etc and for whatever reason they started making false, hurtful accusations against you that were ruining your reputation, simply because they wanted to get out of…
Rape, like every other crime, must be sufficiently proved in the court of law. Your comment seems to want to ignore that fact in favor of holding people guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Furthermore, your attaching all of these other ills of society that aren’t caused by the rule of law, but are instead…
Not just fly across the continent, but also carry someone on their back while they do it!
Dude. Check out Goldeen. Your head will explode.
The point is, they were ANIMALS, most of the latests generation look like a refrigerator had sex with an alien who also happend to be her brother somehow. If the old ones were just normal animals with a color swap, the new ones are just THINGS, home apliances with eyes and mouths...
Better than the fucking ice cream cone and candle pokemon we have now........
Sorry, but I don’t know any sparrows or birds that can straight up fly someone across the fucking continent.
Boy I wonder if they’ll have a Zoe Quinn sleep with your bosses for exposure type deal.
An utterly beautiful and technically impressive, but flawed game. Underrated, in all reality, despite many of its flaws being very real.
If you play it on a high-end PC, there’s not really many other environments in games that can compete with it.
An assassins creed topic isnt complete without a bunch of babies in the comments complaining about assassins creed.
Technically, (so far as we know) Linkle actually ISN’T a female Link, and she’s also not canon (at least not yet).
She THINKS she is, and WANTS TO BE a reincarnation of Link, but everything we know about the Legend Of Zelda universe indicates she’s almost certainly not.
Link and Ganon always reincarnate as guys, and…
In the Ultimate books there was a point where Cap was elected president by write-in ballot since the politicians were doing nothing about the US collapsing, while Cap was out trying to save it. I was excited by this and the idea of them exploring what Cap would do in that situation. Turns out he did the exact thing he…
I felt it was actually taking agency away from Sam honestly when they gave him the mantle. He was his own man with his own superhero identity. Captain America actually told SHIELD a few times Sam was the right guy to lead teams over him. Sam had his own legacy thanks to all of this he was the Falcon.