
I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

He’s wrong of course. It looks like a Honda Accord Coupe.

Are you seeing spots?

The worst. Pass the semi. You never know when one of those retreads is going to sling itself loose. Everyone should pass semis as fast as possible.

What ever happened to Jimmy in portfolio management?

Hey, since you have to have some trouble reading, I’ll quote the relevant portion of the post here:

He made a rhetorical point not a threat.

He deserves some heat for that mistake.

Seriously? You mean the guy who has repeatedly said he would sign legislation - including legislation that included funding for his wall - if presented to him only to change his mind later? You mean the guy who then said he would shut down the government if he wasn’t given the funding he was already offered by


Breaking News: The Lego Silverado just won the JD Power Award for Initial Quality.

Want to love it. Don’t love it. 

Read the paperwork bro, you gave Mark Zuckerberg the right of prima nocta to all your children.

It’s on a piece of paper that means its the right thing.

This! And the free market does go both ways. Restaurants and Cafes in the US need to catch up with most of the rest of the world and....get rid of tipping as an expectation. Pay your people livable wages.

House Ethics committee?

One of the advantages of the American interstate network is that you can avoid every single population center if you so desire. That thing is probably using a blown up Duracell for power, so no need for gas stations.


It’s funny because when he started his presidency, Jalopnik would occasionally write some very valid posts about things Trump is doing that negatively impact the auto industry, and there were a LOT of very vocal Jalopnik commenters whining about how “the libs” are just trying to find things wrong with Trump and should