
Fact: You can make some positive history by leaving us the fuck alone.  Forever. 

You’re wrong, but not because you disagree with him. He quite literally says that many AAA game developers put more effort into graphics rather than innovative [gameplay] mechanics. I don’t know where you got that he’s crapping on gameplay.

I am by no means a Corvette fan, but this is beautiful.

Louis Rossmann is going to have a field day with this

Honestly, with all the scandals and such and how things have been called.

“You look like an asshole.”

You are actually mistaken on a few counts. N64 was not the first stick controller. The Atari5200 had one, as well as the Vectrex a decade before the N64. Sony themselves also had one in a Pc controller before the N64 came out.

Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony were all working on Haptic Feedback tech taken from Arcade

This is no contest....one of these three....or all three given their depreciation:

I’m going to be the dissenter here. I think it looks great!

The furniture is made by Daewoo.

There should be laws on the books that dictate that a company that collects and maintains information on individuals is liable to maintain it’s security and proper use. See also, Experian. Otherwise it’s akin to someone collecting volatile chemicals being able to say “oh well!” when they leak. If YOU create the

I hate how nice this looks and I hate how I kinda want one.

I had a TDI that could automatically detect if it was on rollers so it could go into a special mode to pass the emissions test.

I’m fascinated that you think FCA will exist that long in your timeline.

Just a reminder that Snipes got people to take the superhero movie genre seriously.

Ant-Man 3: Ants Get In Your Eyes