
You never fail me Jason

As an owner of an HHR SS yes I did. I was coming from a 2 seater pickup truck and wanted something with a back seat, 4 doors, was good on gas, had some room to haul some things, and was also sporty and had some pickup. The HHR SS fit all those requirements. With the GM Stage kit installed I get nearly 300HP but still

I can just imagine him sneaking out of the heavily armed murder camp that is konami headquarters to do this. Most likely in a cardboard box.

Sony in my eyes still offers the best Android phones out there. Waterproof, nice design, good build quality and most important an almost stock Android version.

Cool, but not as cool as my clock. It has a 1950s Nixie tube digital display, but the clock circuit is GPS-disciplined; it’s accurate to a few milliseconds, and even accounts for the time it takes to light up each tube element.

C’mon Nintendo

“The fee is $30, in addition to what customers are already paying for service.”

Recently more and more of my packages have not been making it in two days. Which is ok, but if it is the same speed as not having prime, I might as well cancel prime.

I’ve had the best results with newspaper and Windex on my car, believe it or not.

I'm a sick bastard, so I'll take shock therapy over a companion any day of the week.

I feel like the Miata and ATS-V are the only 2 cars being continually tested week after week here in Jalop land.

If World War Z and Age of Extinction are supposed to be the highlights of what they are losing, they aren’t losing very much...

That was pretty good. I quite enjoyed it.


They should have a dinner table scene in that game and use Fpoon utensils in it and reference it as a Fpoon. It must be so.

Seller: I’d like a $1000. You’re not going to come by one of these again soon.

Now playing

Once people get that MGSV, they’ll enjoy it like Peele eating Continental Breakfast!!

Nah, they will. I just think it’s the “hip” thing to say right now.