
Microsoft’s 2015 plan for a comeback was foiled pretty quickly too

Appropriate username is appropriate.

Holy shit, people. Turn on the f-ing closed captioning when you watch this. Apparently whatever algorithm they used can’t handle the chef’s accent.

You don’t need to go that far for one. Here you go in Mexico, base msrp for about $17,935.00

he asked me gently why

There is no winter here. It’s a constant tropical climate.

If I start saving now, by the time I retire I’ll be able to import a good one.... Damnit Ford MAKE THIS IN AMERICA!

A work truck that looks like a work truck.

You mean some bimbo with exposed cleavage who only plays LoL? Or are you talking about some neck-beard that plays CSGO.....and only CSGO?

Fantastic Four? Hopefully soon.

PRO TIP: The crab armor in South Park: the stick of truth is the best

“Crab People! Crab People! Look like crab, but talk like people...Crab People!”

Their final plan is realized.

Also missing, vision, hawkeye, SW and Quicksilver. This is the definition of crying wolf.

I am a biker. I hate loud pipes. My bike had an aftermarket Two Brothers slip on when I bought it, and I swapped it out for stock because I was tired of riding around feeling like I had an embarrassing social disease.

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Everytime I hear an obnoxiously loud Harley drive by I involuntarily hear “FAAAAAAAG!” in my head. Thanks South Park!

That’s their Doom.