
I know it’s real cream when I shit all over myself 4 hours later. Damn you Dairy!

I have an old riding mower torn apart in the garage I’d been considering doing something like this to... Now I have no reason not to :D

I’m thinking it’s a plastic tub, not a cast-iron one.

There is a guy that shows up to our Cars and Coffee that has an Alpina version of this. It is the sex.

Shhhh! We’ve already lost the S13, don’t let this one go.

Excuse me, Avengers! I must leave now! I have important matters to attend to in the Infinite Realms of the elder gods!

Technically this is a used car, and since were on the topic of weird shit found in used cars earlier, I propose that this be found in the CD player upon delivery of the vehicle.

At least a Director’s Cut would hep explain why Thor getting into that pool helped him understand why they needed Vision other then “because Thro read ahead in the script”. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the movie, it’s just really flawed.

Well, worst case scenario, give it a week after the Bluray is out and I’m sure there’ll be a surprisingly decent fan edit that gets posted online.

Producer: Watch this. A.W.E.S.O.M-O, given the current trends of the movie going public, can you come up with an idea for a movie that will break $100 million box office?

“Punch Drunk Love” is what really upsets me about him. He has shown that he has talent. Not just making stupid voices and faces, but a real talent for acting when someone else is at the helm. (I do like “Billy Madison” and “Happy Gilmore” for dumb comedies, but that’s it.) So for him to do really shitty stuff

The cow was raised specifically as food, nearly the entirety of its body was utilized for various things, mainly as food for a number of people. This lion was skinned, as a trophy for a single man, and it’s headless corpse left to rot. It’s quite a different scenario

Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore were good...................... hello? Anyone?
*retreats into the nothingness from whence he came*

Couple things about this.

agreed... looking at you Thor!

You keep mentioning F4 like it’s a movie people want to see.

She’s not dead! She’s trapped in the Quantum Realm! She’s hanging out with the Micronauts! Swapping gossip with Bug! Giving fashion tips to Marionette!

I hope not. Third century theaters have terrible seating, and the time travel bills are murderous. XD