
What I wish I could do:

COTD candidate


I feel like a Subaru Forrester would have been a funnier choice.

No dammit! Theres a perfectly good Cadillac Wagon available!

Good news, cartoon fans: Cartoon Network has greenlit new seasons for Steven Universe(season 3), Adventure Time (season 8), Uncle Grandpa (season 3), Regular Show (season 8) and Clarence (season 2).

Meh. Just a tired old VW that some 19-year-old Vortex regular threw all his Burger King paycheck money at.

But can buy an actual e30 for about the same money, and that’ll be a rear wheel drive icon. VWs of the same age don’t offer any advantages in terms of reliability either. I wouldn’t go for it because it isn’t a scirocco or a golf (rabbit) either of which would be cool, but it’s also not really different enough to be

Film is where it’s at. I had a wonderful woman who was magic in a darkroom with photos. She was one of those people who can use chemicals and light to create great film effects, no photoshop needed/wanted. Used to make great fades and masks, funny thing is she’s a tech artists these days.

I think I saw Falcor.

That car is why I bought this car :)

This used to be obligatory. But I don’t see it much anymore. SoI post anyway.

I like Stanceworks’ photography more than Speedhunters’.

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Not sure on the top end, but here’s a 600 HP Flex wagon!

THIS is why Marvel is awesome. What other company would bother with side character News Reporter continuity?

C’mon, man! July freaking 14th? We couldn’t have launched it a measly ten days earlier?

Google’d her since I didn’t recognize her from anything and found out she actually has been studying karate for over a decade and has a black belt. I always think it’s awesome when they have actors and actresses that actually know how to do martial arts so it seems more realistic on screen even if they don’t do all

Awesome, she’s definitely one of my favorite Marvel heroines. If only that horrible Jennifer Garner movie could be scrubbed from society’s memory...

No, see, when it happens to a Windows PC it’s proof that Windows is shit.