
Kidnapped by a hot, Swedish MILF. The horror...

So, lesson of the video, don’t be made out of styrofoam, stab people in the eye with bottle rockets or place your face directly over a mortar, but mainly don’t be made of styrofoam.

Knowing what I know about my job, there’s often a reason for a lot of people to be at a job that doesn’t look obvious to an outsider. Three guys to turn off a valve, though?

Based on experience: left, blue-collar guy who lifts heavy stuff for a living, center, municipal paper pusher, right supervisor of left-side guy

If you’re including the Land Cruiser, you should include Land Rover/Range Rover and The G-wagen. Those are definitely cross shopped.

I demand both of these comments win COTD.

Maybe German-American clubs should start waving swastikas around. Would that be considered slightly offensive or pretty obscenely offensive? Same deal. Say whatever you want about “heritage” or “history” or “state’s rights,” but ultimately it represents racism, slavery, and one of the most disgusting periods in

Listen here Ruth Bader Cocksucking liberal.

Sorry, but I won't stop having sex with your sister.

This is how I think it'll really go:

What’s next?

Now playing

takin a kayak on the river during flood season? Thats a Paddlin’

I just use a cardboard box.

Huh, so I guess it was accurate

Being a younger dude, I always thought the fox bodies look like a beefier Escort Hatchback. Total backwards way of thinking...

that’s so Frank Miller...

meh.....lex looks like he just created facebook....

The CR-Z.