

They're no stranger to delays.

In case anyone is too lazy to click the link, I think that one deserves to be shared:

Where did I put my bucket of elbow grease?

Automatic Transmissions... that shit is sorcery, and I'm an engineer.

Oh no, if the a vent, a door was named after car parts, what's the ass tear ion named after??

Dear please Mother of God. Build It looking the like Elmiraj.

The American Subaru

Doug, I'd argue that that plate frame isn't slapped on after the process is almost complete... they slapped it on there when it came off the truck and they did their initial prep. So if it really bothered you, tell them up front to take it off. They might charge you the labor to do it though.

What's the big deal? She's not naked or having sex in the picture, she's looking at a math book. People need to get over their hang ups on porn and stop instantly demonizing anything and everything that's even tangently related. If you told me nothing about that photo I'd assume it's just some random stock b roll.

1950 Mercury.

Any kind of 2-door E36, at least around here.

Doug, shorts, flip-flops, and a red 360 Modena. About what I expected.

Oh, and Philadelphia is just a terrible place for anybody. /justyankingyinzchainsoverder

What's Rule #1 of Jalopnik? The answer is always...

"And the lord said 'behold my works, marvel at its beauty and pull a sweet gnar gnar off the top of the waves, bros'. And it was good"

I'm thinking this wouldn't interrupt C7 sales, only be added on as the top tier corvette... All this means is Ford need s to bring the GT back!!! One can hope right?!

I just assumed these things came from the factory with a wonky bumper. Rarely did I see one otherwise.

And other than bragging rights what does one get for being first?