
Bought a BMW e30 as my daily driver when I got my first good paying job, after I realized my mistake I made a bigger mistake, I financed a mk6 Jetta through Drive Time at 21% APR. 

engine swap!

1963 Corvette Stingray

The eye contact made me uncomfortable. Needless to say, I was mortified.

You know what, I blame Tesla.
how they didn’t see this coming, people are idiots, they will do dumb shit at the first opportunity and then they will be like “this wasn’t my fault, It was Tesla, I wasn’t paying attention, but is not my fault”

This is the solution... Surely you won’t be able to drive, or see outside, or

ha!! luck

Yeah, you are right, I’ll just get over my anxiety and paranoia, it’s not a big deal...

Yeah, that’s so true

Exactly, the last thing I want is to draw attention to me or being ridiculed.

The only question left: Is it too late to add Chinpokomon Go?

Now playing

I always thought they were peaches and guacamole

Does the “Cummins” powered pickup comes with a wife-beater?
If so I’m sold.

Come on!!

<<hits blunt>>

so close...

Ford Escort Mexico