
Oh, it's a period piece? I thought they were just hipsters.

The cabinet doesn't care, though. These are all Millionaire/Billionaire friends who are not accountable to anyone except Trump. It is Congress who need to be scared about their jobs come 2018 and 2020.

This is true, though I doubt he realized what he was doing when he disclosed the information.

You hire a Mexican to do it for you.

HD Remaster of Sewer Shark

She rejected two of them, one because a Conan writer was able to prove that they pitched their joke in a meeting before Kaseberg posted his,

I generally cut avocados with a not particularly dull butter knife. What kind of crazy armored avocados are people eating that require chef knives to get into?

If we didn't teach Sex Education in school, they wouldn't know how to do it.

I seriously don't have a problem with Kylo. But Adonis? Who the hell thinks that is a good idea?

Lets face it, SNL hasn't been funny since [Insert whoever was on when commenter watched it as a teenager].

The Zorya Sisters, a group of old Slavic gods who live with Czernobog.

Batman's a scientist.


And he's also used the same damned phrase in regards to the economy months before, in an interview with NYT published March 26, 2017.

Hmmm, doubles down on lies when confronted…. knows where the White House is. Unfortunately, it looks like you're over-qualified for the Press Secretary position.

It's the one about the ghost in the concert hall.

Meh-ry Magdalene

“we want to fill out this classic show with as many recording artists as possible to give proper voice to what is the original rock opera score.“

They're just being pragmatic. I mean, how is he going to get to Hollywood once the wall is built?

Aww, I wanted a lighter, pleasant reboot, preferably called Heckboy.