
Which is why Homer vs. Dignity is still considered one of the Simpsons' high points.

Is that little kid on the left a young Ted Cruz?


The Flop House had another great episode reviewing Aloha. As always the best bits are their tangents, and their take on Leonardo Da Vinci (and Michelangelo) make's this a classic.

I hope she tells us to burn our pants. These things are driving me nuts.

Do they make them in extra large? …I'm asking for a friend.


I'm confused; I don't recognize any of these Simpsons quotes.

I'm trying to remember if the Sariens are reptiles…

I have to say I'm really surprised to see so many mentions of Super Size Me, and almost no one talking about Fast Food Nation. Fast Food Nation (the book, not the movie) is superior in every way, and its much more informative when it comes to what's actually in the food we're putting into our bodies on a daily basis.

Marrying our attractive cousins.

George Orwell wrote an essay entitled "Politics and the English Language" in 1946, which really made me look at the word choices and sentence structures I've been using in my writing. Now I'm not a great writer or anything (my comments prove that), but this essay really showed me how many poor writing styles are still

They didn't take your cookies, did they?

Because what Morgan Spurlock did was a stunt that only proved that if you ate every meal at McDonalds every day you could get fat and generally not feel very well. That does not mean that eating there once in a while will make you sick and kill you. What it should have done is make you think more about what you're

Is… is that a euphemism?

It's not that kind of show.

One of?

Taco Pizza?

"She was saying No with her mouth, but Yes with her eyes. I just needed something to get her to shut up for a bit."

She accused him in 2005 but the DA didn't have enough evidence to pursue a trial. Now that his deposition admitting he has used Qualudes in the past has come out, they can bring it to trial.