
Yeah, I really liked Nacho Libre.
I could also get behind seeing Jack Black as Spiderman.

As long as it isn't a musical.

It doesn't help that they made Equestria Girls which was blatant fan service for the bronies. Yes, I'm sure all the little girls were clamoring for bi-pedal anthropomorphic versions of their favorite ponies.

One nice thing about the iPhone is that up until they released the 6 (and the 6+ abomination), it was the only high-end phone that came in a small form-factor.

His H.R. Giger is great, but his best character was the singer on the Kiss Me I'm Irish episode of the PPP.

You know, I've given Superego a try, and while it is funny, I just don't enjoy the skit-based format.

So CBB Last week. I have no idea why there is so much crap thrown around regarding Cameron Esposito. She isn't stellar in CBB but still enjoyable. PFT was as usual on-point as J.W., but the real star was Matt Gourley and his stupid stories/theories. I hadn't heard of him before the Andy Daly PPP last year, but he

I went with Honolulu even though it was the obviously wrong choice, and that there was likely a Caribbean city with a larger population. I just couldn't think of any of the names.

Tomorrowland looks pretty nice, but the inclusion of Lindeloff scares me.

I think it really set the standard for writing and actually giving the character choices that have an impact on the game.
The same goes for Tie Fighter in terms of space simulators, where the story was actually able to make the player hate the rebels, and want to work as hard as possible for the Emperor.

There are also no flight simulators or driving games, and the only RPG is Pokémon, which owes a lot to many other games.

It's Avengers week at the A.V. Club!
If you run out of jokes, you could always make fun of the Avengers West Coast.

Wow, a Blue-ray with an extended edition, AND alternate endings? What will they think of next?

The A.V. Club

Look, everyone wants to be more like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of will?

Yeap, Episode 4 is probably the best of the bunch so far, though this week's interview with Dave Foley interview was the best interview portion to date. The Mars Base 3 sketch started out pretty good, but fell apart at the end.

I complained about her laughing in the first episode of Spontaneanation, but that was because it was a) during the monologue, and b) directly into the microphone, so was incredibly loud. I don't mind it over the course of the rest of the episode.

The A.V. Club

Then people should not use Meerkat.

Well, the theft of the chicken is likely long past the statute of limitations, but filming in portrait mode? That is unforgivable!