
It’s like the cracker calling the cracker cracker

I’m 100% sure she has a bottle of booze stashed so she can drink on the sly.

Now that you mention college tuition and their desire for young people to study, wouldn’t it make sense for the junior competitors to receive their prize money in the form of scholarship money?

Holy cow this isn’t breakout, this is Warlords!!! Can’t believe there’s an 8-player Warlords out there

Now playing

In Lunar: Silver Star Story’s making of disc there’s a hidden 8-player Breakout game.

You don’t think they’ll react to it like this guy from an original Atari system commercial?

Isn’t it a obvious and safe assumption given most videogames are about menstruation? I mean look at Bloodborne, even the name! Or Mario Kart a have about throwing the red, bloodied shells of aborted turtles at your opponents.

The saddest part is the photosynthetic stripper was the only character in V to have an actual fucking character arc/development

It was a great read and definitely the investigative journalism that gaming needs more of, but I do agree that you should probably read the article prior to making that statement lol.

Wow, it really is just like launch.

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


As with all things sensitive like this, avoid the greys. People will use any event to spread their abuse and hate, even something like this. Ignore them.

Just really awful.

Sorry, I’m an incorrigible punster.

Take it! Take the damn star! I don’t even want it! Just never do this again, you monster!

“What kind of creature is that?”

I don’t ever want to play this game again.

As a fan of both the Witcher and Henry Cavill’s face: