Yeah! Bejeweled at 9572fps!!!
Might have helped if running said powerful games didn't drain the living fuck out of your batteries.
Wonderful, but what good is it with horrible touchscreen controls?
Would work too. I imagine Guile would have his theme playing at his funeral with it starting as his coffin is being lowered, while a 21 gun salute rings in the background and jet fighters fly overhead.
Man... So many of these covers remind me of my childhood... I hope he lived a long and happy life.
Animation is the real hurdle. Just look at MGS5, the game looks like real life but once you put Snake in the environment and watch him move around it ruins everything.
Loving the animation preference in the comments here already. Because it's so true. Especially the intersections between animations...the "jumps" characters perform between routines is only going to look dumber the prettier environments like this get.
less focus on environment and more on making hair look like real hair, and making people look less stiff and less cartoony.
Or automatically double:…
That'd work.
naked Wario.
Naked Link.
You say censorship but I see it more as cultural adjustments. I a gamer do not want to see borderline naked teens in my games. Actually I would prefer the medium take itself more seriously. considering that the EU skins might have been the original but were made more skimpy to pander to the ultra sexed Japanese market.
#7 is fucking divine intervention.
... They have slightly more clothes on and are now 18 instead of 15. It's not "swordsman whose defining character trait is that he wants to be the best swordsman uses clubs" or "mother who originally died in the Japanese version gets 'sent to jail'" level censorship :D
It's funny, but this feels more like a fix to me than censorship.
It might not be as wacky as the virtual world of sports glitches, but it's certainly just as facepalm and…
Oh, he knows some gay people so it is cool.