Hernandez `45's

Where is his belly button?!

It is a brilliant and delightful move.

Yeah Newton did a GREAT job of not getting hit on Thursday night. Fantastic point....

Does that mean Ryan Tannehill shows porpoise?

He looks exactly like the alien doctor from Independence day.

Ah yes, The old Colon massage....

Motorcycles mating in the wild finally caught on film!

I couldn’t pull my eyes off of that back deck lid!

If it is BYOB, which stands for bring your OWN booze, then why cant you bring an open bottle? Have I been screwing this up? If it is for me, why cant I bring anything/nothing?

What about MR3?

Pretty sure they didn’t win the AFC East in ‘07, because 18-1 happened


I’ll show myself out.

I love that his reactions are completely honest and relatable!

5.0 meets 5-O

What is this from?!

I wonder how things will shake out when Lawsuits are filed after multiple car accidents. How long before someone claims they are not the responsible party because autopilot was engaged at the time?

I missed the word “Event” in the title, and thought you crashed a Bentley...

Buy back for what price?

The top picture reinforces that dogs and their owners look alike.

Nope, Nope, Nope.