Hermetic Jar

"I've been here the whole time." Nice Nikki & Paulo ref.

I still know some of the words to the theme song for Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. That's gotta count for something.

What's the expiry, Kenneth?

At least she's still got Inside Amy Schumer.

Somebody predicted that the actor playing King Joffrey would have TWO warts on his cock?

I don't know about the show finding its voice, but they definitely need to work on those accents.

Too bad.

[doesn't have a sense of humor about feminism, which is new]

"Being a feminist and a fan of Game Of Thrones"

Kelsey Grammer is in this one?


I was thinking the same thing about Littlefinger. He knew she'd tell Jon, and that she wouldn't say it came from him. Shifty little bastard…

Two warts on my cock!
Two warts on my cock!
Twarts mycock!

If we shadows have offended
Think but this, and all is mended:
Eddard Stark, who some called Ned
Truly had a shit-filled head

Imagine if Hodor was inside an elevator you were running toward. What would you say to him?

Way to go for the jugular.

SNL just did something that made me laugh out loud. Maybe you're not so bad after all, 2016.

Yeah, Pocahontas vs. Hannibal Lecter is a close second. Burton, man…

"Starr has said he basically can't take any more of Banshee's brutal stunt choreography"