Hermetic Jar

Hood dismantling the MMA rapist is the most brutal thing I've ever seen on TV. They never topped it, but it sure was fun watching them try.

I can’t believe I used to skip through the opening credits. Job flipping off a cow was LOL, IRL.


If the whole point of the movie is that she's beautiful…

I don't see anybody doubting he did it, but okay.

I really don't like Gail Simone, but if she had any part in undoing the stain on humanity that was Brad Meltzer… okay.


Only God Forgives. Fortunately for this hack.

Is it wrong to note that she really isn't all that pretty? Go to pretty much any sorority within 50 miles of you, and you'll find a young lady who could play this role.

Nah. Trump would've insisted on writing his own dialogue, and then a drunken Dan Harmon would've obliterated their tenuous relationship on his podcast.

Again: The assumption is that he did it.

The assumption does seem to be that he must've done it.


Uh-oh, "Sir Winston Douchechill" is getting testy with me.

I'm not expecting anything. I'm just not pretending I know what happened.

None of which is proof of anything one way or another. People do lots of things that don't seem to be in their best interest, to an outside observer.

So I'm answering the question.

Why not? Public opinion is overwhelmingly on her side.

"I guess it's not impossible, but…"