
I can tell you that at Children’s Minnesota hospitals, they DO prioritize volunteers for exactly those kiddos😉

Worcestershire sauce is essential for making that most quintessential British bedtime snack: roasted cheese. But Vinegar, I hear you all warble like demented squirrels, what is roasted cheese? Sit down, and pay attention.

I had my first experience with Japanese Whiskey at the Multnomah Whiskey Library in Portland--which, if you haven’t been, is worth a trip to Portland on its own--in 2015 and have added a number of them into my regular rotation. For overall value, I think Nikka Coffey Grain ranks up there with just about anything at

Now playing

Either a child with music-box accompaniment or a Marilyn Manson sound-alike...

Nah, the Jewish thing is to make a ton of rules mandating that everyone do it the “right” way:

But don’t preserve etrog. Those aren’t for eating, and both the growers and FDA know it.

Wait...I should not be throwing out the syrup! Eureka moment.

Buddha hand is perfect for making candied citrus peel. Even easier than other citrus because you don’t need to cut the peel off the fruit. Just slice it and use the same technique you would with any other citrus peel.

I was really hoping that the gender reveal lasagne would be whether or not the lasagne had sausage in it. While I would normally take melted cheese over buttercream any time, the odds basically even out if the cheese has been dyed. This goes even more so because gender reveal parties are ridiculous. 

As a Pastafarian, this offends me. I demand this abuse of pasta ceases immediately, and am owed an apology and financial restitution.

It may have started in your book, but your book happens to be correct.

In honor of the new year and how awesome this sounds I will spare you my go to rant that regardless of what anyone says, in my book

There is nothing wrong with a good fruitcake. The problem is that when most people think of fruitcake, they think of that brick-like item you buy at the supermarket for about $5.

Well, you see, rats and tiny dogs actually taste quite different. Plus, rats hold up much better to braising, while you want to roast dogs.

Hmmm... curry gin & tonic?

Our son was born full term with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, that we sort of knew about before hand. For people in the know, a long NICU stay is a given, and not ever bringing your child home is common. We were lucky to leave at 3 months and now have a happy healthy 4 year old.

Had a daughter that was born three months early and was in the NICU that whole time. To say it was stressful was an understatement. Unlike the made-for-tv movie, instead of bringing my wife together as some super unit of togetherness, it drove us apart, we both withdrew into ourselves. We have a good relationship now,

Excellent post. All four of our children spent substantial time in the NICU. Our first child passed away, but our other three came home with no long term issues. Our children were in the NICU in the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s. Who knew fertility drugs worked?