
Code Braun!

I am sure this was followed quickly by a second blowout.

My parents had one. There’s a reason people called it the “shove-it.”

Denial, it ain’t just a river in Egypt.

“Auto dealers protect their construction workers from death.”

Texas legislature will be using this.

You can’t tell, but this car is covered with dozens of new Jalopnik logo stickers and just one old Jalopnik logo sticker

Colin McRae. Rally, X-Games, Le Mans, and Dakar. So much racing and a life cut short.

Pat Moss.

Granted he would out drink me, but can you imagine the tales he’s tell

Matt Hardigree: We’re media, try to guess who we are!

Bugatti atlantic, to breed elegance,

Dat wing...

“Good thing I have AAA saved as a contact...”

The first that comes to mind is a classic Mini. Something like this one:

Pure, adulterated, racing sex... I love this thing.

I’m a photographer, so I’m regularly transporting tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. I work with videographers, who regularly transport hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

The o-shit handle

A development mule for a turbo kit from a company that’s no longer in business?