
“We” need to stop taking facebook’s word for it? Some us were smart enough never to have joined in the first place.

It is possible to understand the objection to the deletion of the posts (and mostly agree with it in principle) and also understand that the specific case of these 6 articles is not your run-of-the-mill “business owner deletes content because business reasons” that the Gawker Editorial Union is portraying it as.

I disagree with what Univision is doing, but at the same time it feels like Gawker’s own opinions coming to bite them in the ass. Let’s not forget that Gawker staff supported pulling fire alarms at controversial speeches, shouting down lecturers, the firing of two men based on a childish joke that someone overheard,

I’m surprised how many commenters who apparently read gawker media posts don’t understand why the deletion of such articles would matter.

ummmmm this does not seem like a good amount of time. this actually sounds like an amount of time to panic over