Herman Blume

You decide:

Any chance, in the future, instead of when the author wants to update the article, or forgot something, they just update the actual article and not make their comment the lone comment at the top?

In case it wasn’t clear before: I think you should vote!

Classy as always Billy.

The president’s going to look at any way possible that he can find legally and constitutionally to make sure that we’re doing everything we can....

Florida woman....

Needs to be paler, scare, and the hair is too long.

He surrounds himself with Yes Men, so it wouldn’t matter.

I’d like to thank whoever it was that helped Ye realize the magic wasn’t in his hat at all; it was inside him the whole time.

I get what you’re saying and I do love your passion, here.

Though I am a big fan of European soccer,...

Trump can’t do anything with an Executive Order. He would need congress and then the states to approve... The White House knows this, but they need to take attention away from the shootings and bombs, so this is their new distraction.

Nope, once we start having armed guards at people’s home, places of work, schools, churches, bus stops, etc... all of this will be prevented.

Sounds like a typical Trump speech transcript. 

He has a list of his targets on the dang thing...

You can’t really expect a bomb made by Eric Trump to work as planned, especially when he’s using bubble gum and Poligrip to hold them together.

You put the warning a half an inch above the photo....

Or, you know, the attempted assassination of several GOP lawmakers:

Now playing

It’s crazy how much he’s a trigger for the right... All the political ads up here in MN just include his name in bold just to rile up the Republicans...