Herman Blume

The Kree call her Vers b/c of her dogtag.

who desperately needs a job so he can finally move out of your aunt’s basement, but is too proud to go down to Best Buy and ask about their open salesperson gig in the electronics section and instead stays trawling Linkedin sending off applications for high-paying glamor [sic] jobs he has absolutely no shot of getting

Are all the Marvel movies sequels of each other?

Tony will be thanking Scott here in a few months, seeing that he’s going to be the one saving all of their lives/reversing time and all... 

You cannot care about the debt and regret not doing anything about it, and also think a tax plan that adds almost two trillion American dollars to that debt is good. Ryan is not stupid, so he must be lying, either about thinking the tax plan was good—haha, no—or about caring about not paying off the national debt.

He’s above the law, at minimum, until he leaves office.

He ain’t getting pardoned anymore, not since he double dealing with Mueller, lying, and reporting confidential information to Trump’s lawyers about his discussions with Mueller. It would be indictable and convictable for Trump.

Don’t forget to cup the balls then. 

Now playing

One of the best parts of The Descent was how well they hid the reveal that there were actual monsters

He realized that he is FUCKED.

USMNT hands down.

But in fact, Franken admitted that everything they said was accurate, apologized, and resigned because he believed that it was the right thing to do.

Yeah, whomever put together the trailer needs to be fired. That film looks absolutely terrible.

Anthony Precourt

The BIG10 is bad... How can you go 10-1 and be that shitty of a football team - be in the BIG10, that’s now.


If an author comes out and says “Hey buy my book, it’s the first one on an epic series”, he promises to the reader that he will finish the series at a reasonable pace and won’t drop it.

No, not since the position directly reports to the President. 

That means Trump can appoint someone in the interim without the Senate’s approval.