Herman Blume

Well, I am pretty sure that Donny & Eric Trump have never actually used a stamp in their lives before, so... at least they got one on there.

It reads like a third grader’s attempt to sound smart

Any guy that can commit and be convicted of assault, especially on media personal, he’s my kind of guy.

A divorce? 

Seriously Billy?

Why is the NHL on here? 

This will be the legacy of Trumpism: It won’t be long before voters who reflexively check the box labeled “Republican” because their parents did, or because they think their property taxes are too high, or because Fox made them scared of terrorism, start electing Pepe racists to Congress.

Psst, that IS the case, and she most definitely IS trash.

What is this a spoiler of? 

Nope.... it only has 2 “wheels”

“It is a scary time right now. Sarah Sanders has been run out of restaurants.”

“I’m sick and tired of your negative ads!” he continues. “Enough is enough! So, I’m going to create one of my own for you to use.

Was his password Fish sticks?

Exactly. Giving two asshat attention seekers the attention they seek is not good for the world.

“Racism and soccer go together like peas and carrots, or like cigarettes and lung cancer”

If you want some Nog, you get your own Nog.