Good. Fuck him. Like many “communist” predecessors, he abused a system meant for the people to benefit himself first and foremost.
Good. Fuck him. Like many “communist” predecessors, he abused a system meant for the people to benefit himself first and foremost.
I feel like, as a woman, I can say that any woman put in that situation would have run away or made a ruckus. Probably by screaming “fire, fire!” So at least 51% of the population would have acted as Trayvon did. Plus any kid who’s been taught about Stranger Danger would have acted accordingly.
No one’s mentioned that because the kid was black the guy probably didn’t even see him as a person.
A childhood friend was just this week the victim of a (non-lethal) hate crime in CA. Unfortunately, bigots are everywhere and are seriously emboldened by the election results.
A sociopath who finally got his wish to actually kill somebody.
That’s still a kid, Apologist. Please fuck off.
“being poor”
Why is the media - including Jezebel - letting the assailant plant misinformation and lies? Why is the media choosing to go only with what the assailant says? That’s the narrative you’re choosing to create?
Yes because the most important thing to pull from these murders is not the deaths or lack of justice but bias in reporting the story. It’s not about racism it’s about ethics in journalism.
Another person responsed i believe they mentioned it up thread
A former co-worker (who happens to be black) was stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, when Susan Smith murdered her kids and blamed it on a black carjacker.
Loco has bragged that since he’s not banned by IP and prevented from creating multiple accounts to return, Jezebel actively wants him here. The amount of effort this guy must put in to creating novelty hate speech accounts is staggering.
He’s 15. He is a baby. He looks just as young in the photo you are sharing. I started to say I don’t understand why people feel the need to paint him as older...but I do. Racism. It’s your excuse for pretending like he was a big scary brute and that poor old man who started it and then murdered him was some poor weak…
he does get banned. I report him every time he pops up, but he just makes another burner. It looks like kinja doesn’t ban by ip.
El Sobrante, California. Blue States- don’t kid yourselves.
From the quotes, I think the only thing threatened was his masculinity.
May Pulliam live to see his children & his grandchildren shot in front of him.
Hey! It’s the hardworking, misunderstood Trump’s America!
There is also this story. The hate crimes since the elections are just shocking. But we need to stop calling it Trump’s America because America has always been like this. Things have got worse because they now they feel like most people agree with them, their views are mainstream and will now be represented in the…
You are the human equivalent of a dumpster fire.