Heritage, Not Hate

While I completely agree with the fuck her, fuck her completely part, a rationale person would just walk out of that situation, and frankly there isn’t much rationale about any person that would or could lob some racist shit. In other words, she is a fucking rotten human to her very core. Not to nit pick.

And there will most be definitely asshole apologists that say we don’t know what the students did to provoke her before the video starts.

I mean, obviously. And also, free speech.

I’d bet you a year’s salary she’s defending herself by claiming the kids are the real racists.

Yelling racist epithets and death threats upon children.

I always see her DJing as just her making club appearances, but they say DJing because it makes her look like she matured and isn’t just a frivolous party girl anymore.

If nothing else works, we have GOT to get that declared racist white supremacist OUT of there. You know he appointed him with that title and no Cabinet post in order to bypass the Senate confirmation process completely.

Ahem, chewed out bigly. Get on board with the parlance of our new orange overlord.

Hey, let’s not forget when she campaigned ‘Rock The Vote’ because all the cool Hollywood celebs were doing it... AND THEN SHE DIDN’T EVEN VOTE. I’m fairly certain she didn’t vote in this election, either. She’s a moron.

Right? She and the Cheeto will go throughout the countryside, stopping at downtrodden rustbelt hamlets to share Bud Light and baloney sandwiches with those who have lost their jobs to Chi-na.

I’m tired of hearing “special snowflake” and “you expect a trophy for showing up” in response to raising objections to the cheeto colored bag of shit that was elected president.

“My mother always told me not to talk about politics or money.”

Only if they are white. Remember, this election was about sending a message: White people will not be held accountable for their beliefs and actions, and certainly won’t be talked down to by the filthy poor or minorities; the sooner everyone accepts that, the sooner we can MAGA.

It’s almost irritating that it’s news, because it isn’t at all.

He’s the male Paris Hilton. Legit. Paved the way for her career. Of course she voted for her (whoops. Him. Going in deep on that comparison).

Wait--shaming people for their political choices is taboo now?


Anything to remain relevant