Heritage, Not Hate

How would you know he donated it if he did it anonymously?


But I’m esp’ly curious about pay+violence

Why do Trumpanzees wrestle with the English language so much?

I’m going to keep saying this. Trump is the greatest threat to US Intel there has ever been. He already has access to classified briefings and there is zero guarantee that he hasn’t already been spraying that shit like a broken hydrant across the phone and to his sons etc. This man likely, won’t even know when he’s

Absolutely. The Slot has been a gift.

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.


I feel bad for the poor suckers in the 3 buildings he actually owns — nothing they can do to get those names off.

Officer Jeronimo Yanez

It breaks my heart thinking about the kids who had to come back to school knowing that their favorite lunch room worker was going to be missing. I’m sure that a number of those children are reminded of Mr. Castile’s killing every time they go to the cafeteria.

ouch, why ya gotta be so rude?

Let’s face it, the last funny AS live action show was Saul of the Mole Men. Everything else is, “Yes, I have processed that humor.” Rick and Morty is the only first run series worth watching anymore - unless Adult Chicken is still being produced. Otherwise, reruns only.

I like a lot of the Adult Swim humor, but that show was unfunny garbage. It wasn’t even absurd funny.

I saw an episode of world peace a while ago and I couldn’t believe it made it to air, it was just wall to wall sexism. Just about every joke came back around to how inferior women are. They didn’t even try to spin it in a clever way. That wouldn’t excuse it but at least they’d be trying. The only way the jokes make

i’d also add that he is married to a black woman, and has, at length, spoken about how racism has an impact on their day to day lives. one example:

Agreed. Too many people seem to believe that having the Right Feelings is the same as fighting for progress.

“you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals.” in a great statement, this is the MOST true.

“It’s a big thing that’s present in the white liberal community. That, “I’m talking about it so I’m doing something.” No, you’re just talking about it. And you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals. You’re not really doing anything here. Talking is not action. Don’t just look at what you say. Look at how

Woke bae