
Did you miss the part in the definition where it says “usually male”? As in “not always but much of the time”. We’re all aware that women do this too, we’re just saying it is done disproportionately by men to women which, according to your comment it, you don’t actually disagree with.

Honestly I think the biggest problem with it was that people took the time to whine about it at the beginning of every comment section. And it was generally the same people too.

I actually kind of assumed it was going to be an accident or that his lover died in the attack and they were humanizing him in the aftermath of it. I kind of forgot about the details Red gave earlier and just had a general impression that he was simply "somehow responsible for a death. I actually kinda prefer that he

Sure, it may not exist but someone has been thinking enough about this to spend money on a patent application and everything that involves. I'm not saying it's impossible but that's a lot of money, time and effort spent on a shitty idea.

There's a patent application that was filed in 2011. That seems like a lot of work to go through for a shitty joke.

Shit, I don't want to buy them and I'm the demographic

So the intense pressure of the urine stream is tearing the glue off the labia? Oh, ok yeah that's much better.

There's such a thing as "lip and cheek stain". I imagine it could be multi purpose. Why the hell anyone would want to do that is beyond me. According to the company, it used to be used as nipple tint in the 70s by strippers.

Part of me thinks we should try harder to educate these people. Part of me thinks it's Darwinism in action.

I kinda hope he accidentally glues his bhole shut

It has less to do with the fact that it's unwanted and way more to do with the fact that it's probably extremely bad to glue a labia shut.

I'm somewhat surprised someone hasn't created a Kevin Garvey account yet in response to this and I'm far too lazy to do so myself

I'm disappointed that this doesn't have more upvotes

Me too, though I didn't wait till vom time. I learned my lesson after blair witch. I got my money back and waited for friends at a nearby bar. I think I enjoyed my beer way more than they enjoyed the movie. I actually tried to watch scenes of it on youtube just to see the monster a few years ago and still had a hard

Same. I saw it at an independent theater opening weekend in the second row which was back when the screen was up against the first row. I housed a small popcorn and a sprite because I hadn't eaten at all that day and proceeded to watch the bottom third of the movie. Yakked almost immediately after standing up at the

It tastes like a Debbie Gibson song

Between Tracy's EGOT/memory recall speech and the numerous lost references/allusions to Kenneth being a demigod, I find it very difficult to choose a favorite 30 Rock moment.

Let's be real, Joffrey *is* GRRM's Trump.

Joke's on you, I'm in PA's 7th district. Wait, no, I guess the joke's actually on me.

That and gerrymandering