
In retrospect I probably should have gone to law school, but.

I posted in a SNS back in the fall that my dad had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. At the time, he was about as lucky as a pancreatic cancer patient could be, because they caught it early (small tumor, hadn’t spread) and he was a perfect candidate to have the rounds of chemo followed by tumor removal followed

I believe he can lie.

As someone with ptosis (one droopy eyelid), allow me to be the first to say: fuck you. There are many things to make fun of Bezos for; his droopy eyelid doesn’t have to to be one of them.

I repped him for 3 years in Hollywood and let me tell you, one of the most genuine, kind, humble guys I have had the pleasure of working with. I was SO HAPPY when I met him the first time and he lived up to (and exceeded) all the expectations of my inner 13 year old fangirl. I can’t say enough kind words about him

Not that it is ever easy to lose someone, but when someone dies with no illness, no warning it is just such a gut punch. A beloved fixture of my community died of a stroke last year. He was a few years older but still a picture of health. You see someone on the street one day, shoot the shit, go on your way and then

Jafar goes to Whoville.

McCarthy was also close to Joseph Kennedy, the Kennedy patriarch. They were good (“good”) Irish Catholics and rabid anti-Communists. He wrangled a job for his son, Robert F. Kennedy, who was a lawyer on McCarthy’s staff and served under Roy Cohn. RFK then went on to serve as President JFK’s (his brother’s) Attorney

I’m both deeply excited and dreading it. The latter only because once the new season begins, I’ll have to start accepting that the end is near!

I can’t wait...

This is probably sort of graphic, but whatever.

I’m autistic so I tend to have a very neutral face, even when smiling. It literally got me in trouble as a teen when I worked at a grocery store, my face just isn’t set up for those kinds of expressions and I do indeed have next to no wrinkles. Ease up on the judgement there, it’ll give you wrinkles.

Evil Cara Delevingne ideally should have to serve a longer sentence for encouraging someone to kill himself, but at least justice was served today. Whiteness can’t always save you.  

I feel cringey about Dane Cook’s relationship and then seeing a picture of his current face just makes me...

My dog dug through a suitcase, chewed open the bag... and ate a whole bag of my moms pot brownies that my cousin made for her.

I hate that the women in his life seem to be held more publicly accountable for his actions than he is. We either have articles asking women to answer for his crimes, or articles asking when CK and men like him are allowed to return to their “rightful” place in the spotlight. Why do women have to answer for the

Let’s not confuse and cheapen the issue by making it about race.

Nobody sensible suggested people shouldn’t be able to show of their ink or body parts. I certainty wasn’t.

To me it’s not about them being “cool”. They’re simply to reflect my naval career achievements and my participation in naval tradition.  Besides my cross anchors on my hands everything else is covered up.  I don’t show them off, they’re for me.