Is no one ranting and raven about this? Don’t these actions make you angry?
Is no one ranting and raven about this? Don’t these actions make you angry?
+1 trip to Shelbyville
They seem to think so every time 12 is sacked.
He’s a good guy, who stayed on to keep the cluster fuck from hurting vets more. So 3.
This reply started as a joke about reading using the kindle app... Anglophone, ha ha ha.
+1 anti-vaxxer responsible
Yvan eht nioj.
It’s the danger pay, those Chem trails can burn hot enough to melt steel beams.
Which is quack science, since only bleeding through the application of leeches can balance humors in the active male.
Moon pie... what a time to be alive.
Barrowland Ballroom is my phone alarm song, so she wakes me up every morning.
So to be clear, Djam video taped a 17yo having sex, showed that to the police, and the DA doesn’t think they can prove anything wrong happened?
Go play some Bloodbowl.
Went home, watched the trilogy, it embiggins a new hope.
They claim to love one every Sunday.
(super stupid worldview described herein is not held by the comment maker, who thinks other stupid things sure, but those are mainly about football and bujold novels)
Like a kilometer is shorter than a mile.
May the good lord protect your forehead from ceiling fans as he protects those who walk under us.