But... You’re here too. Are you a robot?
But... You’re here too. Are you a robot?
Those works are episodic though, while there is an over arching theme and recurring characters, any one book is self contained at a basic level.
SSX Tricky means that your list is wrong. Even if it counts as a skiing game, that shit needs to be higher.
Sadly untrue, the real existence of jar jar can only be read about on darths and droids. And should be.
Eggs, chopped thin; Polish mustard; mayo; celery, chopped very thin; paprika; salt; extra horseradish if I have it.
If I charge you with something with a mandatory minimum the judge can’t use discretion to be lenient. Say that theft had no minimum but armed theft was 10 years. You used a rock on a window to steal bread for your starving kid (the go to crime we feel bad for making a crime). The prosecution threatens you with the…
Nah man, I just remember articles about PBR as a thing in NYC, and enjoy the hilarity if people who pay more than 75 cents for a can of it.
That was a we’re drunks here joke. Plus I love it when i see articles about coastie hipsters ordering PBR, because why the fuck would you order PBR?
Hard to sell it out of state when we drink it all here. Why share the good stuff?
They’re going after bigger chicks because their fish supply appears to have been eaten by hairless apes, whose children are better protected.
Dave Barry described them as living in $10,000 trailers accessorized by $25,000 grenade launchers. Felt about right.
Oooh you posted on Deadspin before it was cool, have an edgy self defeating political position... tell us what kind of mustache wax you use!
+ 1 for the correct response in both cases. Which prevents a + 1 my life being a package tour.
In a piece about the Bengals, the most worrying thing was that comment about frozen skyline chili. Who the fuck is freezing that shit? You want more later? Why? We have pictures of it as a warning for history, they don’t need a god damn sample.
Very good, sir.
That poor volcano. Why would you pollute it like that? We already have a containment system for things like Trump, it’s called (central) Florida. I just wish we could get the fence situation worked out to keep the crazy in.
I know, right?
Is it a hot take if all it does is avoid submersion in freezing water?
The Rock was defeated by Nic Cage and the corpse of Sean Connery. Wrong team.
So why don’t you go back to your hyphenated paradise and it’s culturally appropriated mascot?