
Your speculation as to where the Hulk went misses the point that the personalities were merged.

I mean, it’s much more nuanced than that. Especially considering the audience. These types of viewers and the relationships built around it us purely parasocial. Her being some young girl ready to be exploited through financial transaction, is apart of the fantasy of that relationship.

The veil is off of course, but

was this headline procedurally generated

KJU is going to fire off a missile just to humiliate Trump in 3, 2, 1... seriously, watch in the next few days. He fucks Trump every time and Trump just keeps going back to get more.

Headline: Teump Penetrates Kim, Refuses to Hold Hands Afterwards

My head is exploding right now. This sorry excuse of a human got elected by a nation of supposedly patriotic law abiding voters who howl at any injustice yet where are the mother fucking screams of outrage from the people who voted for him when this sad, sorry, excuse of humanity goes strolling hand in mother loving

It’s actually a problem with the link in the article as well.

The link in your comment includes at period at the end of the URL. Remove that period and the link resolves fine. :)

Yeah, Marvel sometimes overcorrects on the ‘grounded’ aspect of things. One of my bigger disappointments with Defenders was it basically looked like Daredevil and three randos in jeans and t-shirts.

they think we want body wash when what we really want is pictures of spiderman

In this instance, I’d make my friend get my car back. More generally, I’d explain he situation to Mr. Smith, offer an apology, and remove my car as quickly as possible. I might also offer compensation for any damages to his private property. Ya know, be a good neighbor.

“India’s Monkeys Keep Killing People.”

It seems to me that it’s people need to be sterilized on a large scale so they’d stop expanding into animal habitats and ruining the ecosystems around them.

This is honestly the best thing I’ve read all day. Thank you for this ethnographic snippet.

Macaques are very intelligent creatures. Off the top of my head while teaching in Delhi:

One of them has never tried to move a long couch down a tight stairwell.

If a service only has SMS based 2FA, then it’s better to not use that service at all.

Teenagers should be using the internet to study instead of look at porn! Maybe learn a bit of art history.

The Uplink reference really caught me off guard. I first learned about it when I found it on a PC Gamer UK demo disc and ordered it from Introversion immediately (the game hadn’t had a boxed retail release by that point and Steam didn’t exist yet so you could only buy it straight from the developer and they would mail