If you haven’t read the Injustice comics yet, PLEASE read them. Look, I will LITERALLY give you a link so you can read them for free!
If you haven’t read the Injustice comics yet, PLEASE read them. Look, I will LITERALLY give you a link so you can read them for free!
If you read Rich dad poor dad, or any books on finance like me? You will know that the 1%’s financial situation is the way it is because they use their money to influence change, the middle class can’t even be bothered to use their numbers and voter power to influence change.
Yep, because the 49% of the country that opted out of voting was TOTALLY going to avoid Bernie. . . .
You forgot Angsty white guys with guitars.
Sansa Stark.
You said I Was doing the with us or against us thing, I clarified that I did no such thing and pointed out there IS such a thing as “faux” support with some details to back it up.
Wanna hear something hilarious? People are glad that “Obamacare” is gone and are content to let the “ACA” pay for their healthcare. <:,D
I’m noticing a trend with you people. Whenever I write lengthy paragraphs illustrating and expanding upon points, you dismiss it as :”Filler” or “unrelated crap”.
NO NO see. this huge Titan with a shit eating grin came into my house without breaking anything and snapped her neck!
. . . . Why do I want to break your back?
Where is your lack of self awareness?
Oh I’ve made assumptions? Huh, so what do you call it when somebody says one thing, and you put words in their mouths so they say another? That’s right, a fallacy.
*rolls eyes* adorable, got anything else to say, loser?
I swear, the lack of self-awareness is unreal at this point. . . .I’ll concede that I’ve called you names and have been quite superior to you, though let’s be real? I’m the only one conceding what I have done here.
First off, you shouldn’t game on a laptop. I used to run Starcraft 2 on a laptop in college.
Funny, did I ever say you guys were either with us or against us or did you just think that’s what I was saying the entire time because of past experience?
You can’t just declare your opponent has no points without ever pointing out why the points are “all filler” and then declare yourself the winner, that’s just absurd.
Listen here you little bitch. . . .
First off, unless you point out which parts ARE filler? Your statement once again is just an empty insult with no solid evidence.