Is it that hard to just not read the articles you don’t want to read?
Is it that hard to just not read the articles you don’t want to read?
I have been watching the various incarnations of the nazi punch pretty much non-stop for the past day or so and they still have yet to get old. Personal fave:
OK, so I don’t play Overwatch, but I do play Heroes of the Storm at a Diamond/Master level, and I have a few thoughts about this. First off, it’s NEVER ok to insult people in any game. So I don’t condone any toxic behavior no matter what hero you pick. If you have an issue with someone, you can silently report or mute…
Nope. Because president Pence.
Hello! It’s me, Steve Harvey. I do government now. Will this bode well for our country?
I was impressed watching it when I thought it was just one trailer when I realized it was mind was blown.
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
I’d be like Troy meeting LeVar Burton: catatonic, followed by panic and feelings of inadequacy.
fave joke thus far:
They had to wait for someone to leak it.
His secret service detail will drop every mustang owner as a potential threat
See you in Vauxhalla!
Mid-Engined Corvette guy is still waiting though.
Coruscant, now that’s a great planet. 5,000 levels. We’re gonna have even more levels, the best levels. And then we’re gonna build a wall, and the Tusken Raiders are gonna pay.
Since you’re trolling up and down this thread, hey TomatoFace.
I have this phone and I love it. It’s my 3rd Moto X.
I have this phone and I love it. It’s my 3rd Moto X.
Somebody needs to get this delicate flower into a safe space.
Congress doesn’t have a wifi enabled TV or computer screen just sitting there. Also, twitter isn’t chromecast enabled on iphones.