
That’s funny. Trump making Walsh cry generally makes him my hero.

you say dumb as shit things... maybe

And that’s when I’ll go buy a PS4

I didn’t watch it because I don’t want to turn on my sound, but any chance he is just responding in character? Or maybe they wanted him to bow to a goose?

That’s baby stuff!

alternatively, hearing that a woman hates another woman is the equivalent of hearing that a guy wants to sleep with a woman. Explanation not required.

>27 sec of input lag I believe

Stop feeding the trolls.

This is the best gaming experience next to playing Dark Souls for the first time.

they quit to title screen... and they are back in the pool

He must mean running past it the first time you encounter, or he is just lying.

So it has been confirmed that you cannot run through that wall right?

For real. Go get a real trophy like a real rapist, then you’ll have JH respect.

Uh oh, birth of Based Ball Player

Doesn’t a toy horse chase down an airplane as it is taking off? That kinda ruined the 2nd movie for me.


Acid still exists? Where?

Why aren’t charges pressed? Fuck this fucking fuck shit.

all I know is if this ponzi scheme (ty) didn’t work, then they definitely are going to turn to dealing crystal meth to get No. 9 finished and released.