here for the sports

The ultimate irony being that this is a more viable solution to it’s problem than his serious attempts at actual problems.

It’s not an indicator of quality; he just wants you to stay the hell off his lawn!

Did someone dare you to write this?

You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...

It’s hilarious how Deadspin mocks the people who say “stick to sports”

You didn’t get the memo, The Concourse is now Neo-Gawker. HamNo needed some place to publish his woefully simplistic and in no way realistic socialist screeds.

Here we have an article about monopsony where the author doesn’t bother to define the term and probably doesn’t know what the term means. It means the market has one *buyer* for a particular good, the counterpart of “monopoly” where there is one *seller* for a particular good. (It is not “monopoly-lite, when one

My god, I am tired of hearing about the Cleveland Indians logo being racist. The Cleveland baseball team has had an Indian head for a logo since the 20's and the cartoon “Chief Wahoo” since the 40's. How is this suddenly an issue?

This guy fucks. +1

Hey Russell, here’s an idea to avoid ties. Throw for a fucking touchdown.

I imagine it is like all other sports: if you have two individuals of equal technical ability but differing physical talent, the physical traits will win. Since women have inherent disadvantages in terms of physicality, the ceiling for them is lower.

Geez. Even the refs don’t watch WNBA games.

Antonio Cromartie is most concerned about the homeless children, because there is such a high probability that they are his.

+9, or is it 10?

Speed (of a bullet) did kill him.

I’ve found the source, and you won’t believe it!!! #clickbait

Most first world nations also freeride on our military. France doesn’t need to spend as much on theirs because we dominate NATO. Japan doesn’t need to spend as much because, well, we basically outlawed them from doing it and told them we’ll take care of it.

It’s one of the uniformed white dudes he’s complaining about. He’s just wearing blackface.
