
Once Hillary gets the nomination she will go back to saying stuff like this:

You’re coming off as willfully ignorant, tbh.

Goodness but if this damn video didn’t make me cry~! Thanks!

I was there! It was a standard sparrow, and it was adorable, and I keep accidentally saying Birdie Sanders since.

That little bird is a fucking Kingmaker!

Dear gods, is this perfect timing. This past summer, my best friend suddenly became hostile and unfriendly; no warning, no explanation, no anything. Then I found out that she had been excluding me from activities we used to do with two other gfs, and then posting their fun on Facebook for me to see. This put the other

I believe my childhood would have been vastly improved if my parents had both smoked a churro and chilled the fuck out.

if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.

Yeah I’m trying to be sympathetic to people’s emotional needs here, but that statement just filled me with rage. I used to have really awful issues with anxiety (it’s still there but not to the same degree) and when someone would cancel plans last minute, after I had started to put effort into whatever was happening,

Right? That’s when you know you’re depressed. When you can’t see how your actions affect other people. You’re legitimately deaf and blind to how your behavior affects your friends and family. So, it’s easy to think that you’re actually doing everyone a favor.

“When you suddenly cancel on friends, you are doing them a favor. You are in effect giving them a snow day, even if they didn’t realize they wanted one.”

This is less “eyebrow thread” and more errant Silly String cumshot.

“I told him to just keep it out of my hair so I guess I cant be angry”

I was already mad about Steinhem’s comment and the hell comment; so nice to see that Albright also said young women HAVE to vote for Hillary. If Hillary is the nominee, I will suck it up and vote for her. But she is making me more and more resentful of her assumption that I owe her anything. Yes, she climbed the

I love Jezebel, I’m a Canadian, and I identify as a feminist. I was wondering, have you read the 75 pages of court proceedings that are available online? I’m part way thought it and it doesn’t seem so cut and dry like this article seems to make it out to be. I think we should believe anyone when they say they have

Yeah, I’m really getting sick and tired of hearing about people who commit suicide but prior to this decide to kill their children/partners/family members or even just a bunch of strangers. Being suicidal is awful and I don’t want anyone to harm themselves but ultimately it’s better that the take their own life,

Parents: teach your kids how to deal with disappointment and recection

Thanks for posting the victims pictures and not the guy who did this.

Suicidal thoughts? Sure, if you only kill yourself. Otherwise, they are called homicidal thoughts. Wish people would stop taking other people out with them. So selfish.

I just came a little bit.