
I would have thought the same thing, if I had not seen it for myself. Just this week, we had a consultant here who ate lunch with us. As part of his small talk, he brought up how he’s been avoiding Chinese food and all Asian food in general as a result of the coronavirus situation. And this is an area of Jersey with a

No, this shoe is not okay. It is, from its shape to its array of drab, sad unearthly earth tones, a near perfect replica of the "shoes" they issue in the various jails of New Jersey. What the hell is this sad, carceral-inspired fashion???

I am so glad that I read your comment today (I’m an older Millenial attorney who also graduated at the height of the Great Recession’s fallout). I’m in the early stages of exploring new opportunities and getting used to thinking about my career path as a “story” I want/need to tell in interviews and also to myself, to

Solid take. Plus, you note: “Not only that, but they are using the same tactics as the tobacco industry to go into states and localities and quietly dismantle 25+ year old smoke-free laws to make sure people like you can vape chemicals wherever you want.”

I have a question about if there is a way to do it with plausible deniability: for instance, if you don't just ghost the connecting flight, but instead advise that you just learned the event you intended to continue on to with the connecting flight was cancelled, or that your job or family communicated something

I had a similar reaction! I might print this out and bring it to therapy later.

I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I was diagnosed at 33 in 2016. Same thing -- no pertinent family history and no breast cancer gene. I hope you have everything you need to keep pushing through all of this. Sending you the best thoughts I have. 

I’m sorry for whatever pain you’ve endured. My parents are always great at laughing off whatever anger or discomfort I feel about something — sometimes fully erasing the event, other times just erasing my feelings. Thanks for responding.

Hitting kids is bullshit. I legitimately am finally deciding to go into therapy to work through how all of the low-grade abusive things my mom did to me as a kid and teenager (amidst a pretty normal childhood otherwise) left me with feelings of rage, helplessness, and betrayal that I cannot seem to get past on my own.

Agreed — it is also an accessibility issue. 

I am so sorry for your loss. It is awful how the pain women experience around reproductive health and pregnancy is sort of swept under the rug and made this private, lonely pain to bear. It simply isn’t fair.

Apparently, passive-aggressiveness and outright lying (“I was just curious”) are just ingrained mom traits we daughters have to negotiate around, rather than a deep-seated lack of emotional intelligence and/or significant personality flaw.

It’s also a go-to pose for the too-pussy-to-actually-call-themselves-white-supremacist goons known as the Proud Boys. In fact, that was my first exposure to it. Do a little trawling through their IG accounts and you will see them doing the same thing.

Yeah, you’re probably right. I am not qualified to answer that. Please see my last post to Noble Renard above — I was commenting on this through a particular lens that I’ve been thinking about/through. I’m not ready to write a thesis on it by any means.

I agree - I didn’t mean to say it was exclusively a male response. I happen to be thinking and reading a lot about gendered violence lately, so I considered the piece through that lens. And you’re looking at it from the lens of recently reading a woman’s perspective on how her trauma manifested, etc. (well, and I am

“Now, cheating and deliberately throwing it into the face of your partner, or gaslighting them about your cheating, can certainly be emotional abuse, I don’t want to discount that.”

I read the piece. One thing that stuck out to me in this piece was that it hits on what I think is a common theme in life and in entertainment: hurt men — men who have suffered in whatever awful ways, often abuse women on their road to healing. And, as in this piece, the suffering of those women is kind of written

I completely agree. I feel sorry for what happened to him as a child. But I also feel sorry for the women who suffered the gaslighting and abuse he visited upon probably dozens of them in his life. But, how can a man truly claim real suffering, if he hasn’t visited more suffering on women? 

That’s not necessarily true, and kind of a harsh thing to proclaim. I am one such example. I did fertility preservation before starting chemotherapy for breast cancer, at the age of 33. I went into “chemo-pause” for the duration of treatment, but everything went back to normal about 5 months after. I asked my

I hope your treatment is going as well as possible. I had breast cancer two years ago — diagnosed at 33 with triple negative. Chemo, lumpectomy, radiation. Knock on wood, I am OK so far. I hope the same for you.