Here Again

“ I feel like lengthy prison sentences are better suited to dangerous offenders”

You’re my favorite customer

Youre my favorite commenter

(Throws football)

Aha ha. What a story, Here Again.

Well, Hi there doggie.... i mean Here Again.

“I got the results of the test back - I definitely have Kinja.”

Oh hi, Here Again

Oh hi mark.

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

Or Benedict Cumberbatch.

I want to upvote this. Do I touch the star thing? Oh, it says I “recommended.” the post. Is recommending the same as upvoting? Whatever. Good job.

I feel like the Kinja of people wouldn’t be a *bad* person, per se, just kind of hard to understand and weird. Like a friend’s mom who drinks way too much.

Hey now, go easy on that kind of talk. He’s arguably the worst person in America, but let’s not go overboard here.

No, that’s Trump

AVC commenterati on Kinja has been the treat of my week.

Pssst. Hey, Shkreli. Know what would really piss people off? Buy the AVClub and get rid of Kinja. Journalists hate that one weird trick.

They’ll believe him, citizen.